Thursday 23 January 2014

HMR Food Stalls

We get up,dress,rush to our office/college and often compromise on breakfast! The major concern for students and employees living away from home is food.

Thanks to the tiffin center's which serves mouth watering idli,dosa at affordable price.Though the trend of eating besides streets has gained much public acceptance, i wonder what it's impact will be on our health in longevity taking into consideration the oil used and water served.

With the construction of hyderabad's metro in full swing buying a food stall might be a good option. Rather than coughing up money for a franchise of popular food joint and taking years to recover it, why not put up a tiffin center which caters the need and offers healthy food at reasonable prices.

Sunday 19 January 2014

liqour boutique

Have you ever been to a wine shop in india? how have you felt?

I always wondered why a place which sells liquer maintained in an unpleasant (in india atleast) manner!! let us consider a chai wallah for that matter, they have much better ambience.

When a small shopkeeper with a little revenue can provide a good atmosphere for his buyer,then a liqour shop which generates ample revenue should have a better atmosphere and make buying alcohol a better experience for their customers.

I have seen such a store in bengaluru called madhuloka and fell in love with it instantly!!

This is a new concept which is definitely going to work in many metro's. Thanks to the IT industry, people are willing to spend more for good service!! If you live in a metro and can manage to get a liquer license then you might have found something interesting. 

Saturday 18 January 2014

floating restaurant

How many of you are foodaholics? if you aren't, then this post might not catch your eye! if you have that gleam or spark in your eyes when u see food and have been thinking of starting a restaurant this might interest you.

The concept which i am going to talk is a restaurant on a boat!! wait a second u don't need to live in a coastal area.I live in hyderabad which has many lakes good enough for this concept.My argument is why not try this idea which is a bit new and different from what others in this segment are doing.

The candle light dinner gives a romantic touch, paired up with cool breeze, live music and great wine will be a perfect place for food lovers