Sunday 19 January 2014

liqour boutique

Have you ever been to a wine shop in india? how have you felt?

I always wondered why a place which sells liquer maintained in an unpleasant (in india atleast) manner!! let us consider a chai wallah for that matter, they have much better ambience.

When a small shopkeeper with a little revenue can provide a good atmosphere for his buyer,then a liqour shop which generates ample revenue should have a better atmosphere and make buying alcohol a better experience for their customers.

I have seen such a store in bengaluru called madhuloka and fell in love with it instantly!!

This is a new concept which is definitely going to work in many metro's. Thanks to the IT industry, people are willing to spend more for good service!! If you live in a metro and can manage to get a liquer license then you might have found something interesting. 

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